In May, we did a four-week series on road Signs. Here is a brief summary of the series. We may put the highlights of each week up soon.
You cannot get to the south beach by driving north, and you can not get to the top of the mountain if you are walking down it. Road Signs looks to the book of Proverbs for wisdom to help each of us navigate the choices of life, because we know that each choice determines the direction of our lives. And it is our direction, not our intention, that ultimately determines our destination. Where are you heading? What path are you on? And how do you get to where you want to go?
Here is a breakdown of the weekly sessions:
Session 1: One Way
Bottom Line: Your direction, not your intention, determines your destination.
Session 2: Caution
Bottom Line: When you see a warning sign, turn around.
Session 3: Yield
Bottom Line: Divine direction begins with surrender.
Session 4: Rest Stop
Bottom Line: When you give something your attention, you move in that direction.
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